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Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Topic: Love Vs Relationship.

We often wonder, what is love. Love = In a relationship?
Yes/ No?

Yes. for those that really want things to go fast. Want each other so much because they love each other.
No. Because Fear, Fear of love. Fear of hurting. Fear of the consequences. Fear of commitment.

Yes to love = relationship?
But what if he is just a crush? what if you don't like/love him/her like you thought you do?
What if something goes wrong in this r/s? what if you guys aren't suitable for each other? what if you guys don't trust each other? There is so many "what if"    --Don't rush into r/s just because that you feel really comfortable with each other. Don't give up on each other because of misunderstanding. Time is everything. You have to really understand someone before you guys really gets into relationship. Because in a relationship, things gets serious.

No to love= relationship?
Because of Fear? It's not just being unfair to another party, but to yourself too. Just because of fear, you might missed out your happiness. That happiness you deserve to have. When he/she is gone, its really too late to find out that you really loved him/her, start regretting and start missing. Insecurities is a killer. They kill your guts to believe in this R/s, Not only just because of fear, some times its because your mind assumes that you are not ready, your dare not try.

What to do when you thinks that the answer for love= relationship is a Yes/No?
Haha, i don't know either. i believe that relationship works this way.. trust, honesty and respect.
You need to trust yourself, trust another party before everything. because without trust, why do you even gets into a R/s and make each other suffers?
Honesty? If you are not honest with each other, how can your partner trust you? Trust, everyone knows, trust takes years to build up and seconds to tear it down.
Respect is the key. Who do you think you are? Don't you know the meaning of respect? If you don't know how to respect your partner, do you think he/she or even your friends will respect you?

Sorry for the whole wordy post. i think about a lot of shit. (:
Lastly end this naggy post with my lovely picture heheh.

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